Estate Master Financial Roadmap team have developed a simple yet effective Complimentary Online Liquidity Calculator that ensures your estate is covered by helping you to plan effectively
The Estate Master Financial Roadmap Complimentary Online Liquidity Calculator takes just two minutes to complete and will provide you with a comprehensive plan to ensure that "Your Legacy is Your Choice"Planning for the future is a difficult task, especially when you're not sure what to expect.
That’s why we have created the Estate Master Financial Roadmap Complimentary Online Liquidity Calculator that ensures your estate is correctly planned by listing all your assets against your liabilities, and then be able to actively plan your beneficiary nominations to maximise the liquidity, value, and tax efficiency of your estate.
Findings from a Recent Survey
Either because a Will has not been put in place or updated or not formally signed and stored. Without this in place, Intestate Succession Rules will apply and, potentially, the involvement of the Guardian Fund where minor beneficiaries are involved.
This does not mean that your Estate does not have value but it may mean that there is insufficient cash to cover the liabilities and costs associated with winding up an Estate. If this is the case, heirs often have to provide for the cash required which places a significant burden on them. In most circumstances this is not possible and ultimately your estate’s assets may need to be force sold which goes against your wishes and, more importantly, at a potential loss in value.
Plan Your Estate Liquidity with the Estate Master Financial Roadmap In Just Four Easy Steps
Remember to include any other liabilities under the “Other Liability” section e.g. funeral costs, credit cards etc.
If you don’t have a Will in place, the residue will always accrue to your estate.
Liquidity in your estate is very important. We are here to help ensure that your legacy is truly your choice. Please don't leave without knowing where you stand when it comes to your Will, and the liquidity within your estate. You owe it to your loved ones. I am here to help.
Contact me, Sophia
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or by phone: 086 164 3527
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